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What is Hackathon

A hackathon is a combination of two words hack+marathon and it is an event of any duration where people come together to solve problems. It can be students, young entrepreneurs, computer programmers and developers, graphic designers, interface designers, project managers etc.. that collaborate intensively on different projects.


  1. Women safety
  2. Environmental Awareness/Stability/Conservation
  3. Steam punks
  4. Medical issues
  5. Tours and Travels


  1. One can participate in the event as an individual or a team.
  2. The project should match the category they choose.
  3. Each/Individual should complete the prototype according to the timeline
  4. The code of the project must be uploaded to GITHUB and links should be shared in the form.
  5. Each submission must contain a short video (30-50 sec max) of the working there project.
  6. Registration will be open soon, check the timeline for the updates and register yourself.
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Its’s not all about rewards and money,but it doesn’t hurt to have some.So we have some exciting prizes for our winners and participants.

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Technoforom BIAS brings you the


Days of...

Designing / Building / Coding /Hacking

Development / Entertainment / Competation /Learning

and much more.......

Frequently Asked Questions

How will submissions get assessed?

The judging process will be based on several factors including

  1. Viability / Usefulness
  2. Creativity of execution / Wow-effect
  3. Technical complexity
  4. Presentation (In Video)
How to participate?

Register for the event using the official website of hackathon and also pay the registration fee for the techfest (as this hackathon is one of the events of techfest). Rest our team will contact you using E-Mail.

Who all can participate in this hackathon?

You might be a developer, designer, marketer or from another course of study, the only requirement at hackathon is your motivation to solve problems and build an executable prototype within a short period of time together with a team of other students from all over the world. We want you to go to the limits of your capacity and discover new skills and horizons.

Contact us

If you have any Queries regarding the event just Email us we'll resolve your doubts

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